The Intentional Expat

Living Your Best Life Abroad

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Best Blogs about Spain and Expat Life: Hong Kong, House Mates from Hell and more…

My blog series “Walking the Walk” about my experience doing a part of the Camino de Santiago was featured in a list of the best blogs about Spain and Expat Life compiled by “A Novel Spain.” What an honor to be chosen as part of this list! I’m looking forward to checking out some of the other blogs on this list and hope you all enjoy them too!

A Novel Spain

This is the second in the series of the best blogs I’ve read recently about Spain and expat Life. The idea of these blogs is to give you quick access to some useful and informative posts, so here goes.

Could you live in Hong Kong? Photo by davidyuweb Could you live in Hong Kong?
Photo by davidyuweb

Ever thought about being an Expat in Hong Kong?

Friends of mine lived there for a while, but they didn’t last long. If you’re interested in knowing more about the pros and cons of being an expat in Hong Kong then check out Dee Quinn’s latest blog. It takes a massive jump to become an expat, especially with kids, so have a read.

Camino de Santiago

I should have done this before I had a boy, so I guess he’ll just have to come when he is old enough to walk. If you’re thinking about doing it, or just want to…

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TEDxMadrid 2014: Verdadero y Falso

Well, the day is finally here: the 2014 TEDxMadrid conference! I woke up bright and early feeling nervous about lots of things like…am I supposed to give everyone the typical Spanish two kisses? Or shake their hands? And since I’m obviously not Spanish will they be caught off guard if I go in for two kisses? Also, what language will the discussion group I’m facilitating this afternoon be in? I’ve been mentally rehearsing a Spanglish version of what I want to say all morning. But despite these unknowns, I’m incredibly excited to get my but down to Madrid’s El Matadero and see what TEDxMadrid is all about. See what the day has in store by following me on Twitter: 


Walking the Walk: Taking Pleasure in the Small Things

Each Thursday (in honor of Throw Back Thursday #tbt), I feature a blog post from the past and for the last three weeks I’ve been doing a series on my experience doing a section of Spain’s El Camino de Santiago last year. Last week I wrote about how my second day on El Camino taught me the importance of relying on your friends to help you push forward during tough (especially rainy) times. This week I’m on day three and although there was less rain, the distance and hills made for a long and exhausting day. 

Day three on El Camino would be our longest of all, with 28 km (17 miles) lying between Palas de Rei and that afternoon’s destination of Arzua. The prior day the hostel receptionist had warned us that this section of the trip was incredibly difficult. Even people who had completed the entire Camino several times agreed that this part was the hardest. Continue reading